3 Ways Science-based Evidence Supports Ballet Dancers

Ballet, a unique dance style, involves a high fitness level alongside perfect coordination. Regardless of how professional you are, dancers encounter several injuries as well every now and then. Just like any other sport, ballet dancers suffer from severe injuries which are likely to impact their career. 

The connection between ballet and science 

Science plays a significant role when it comes to supporting dancers at the ballet classes Fredericksburg VA. Numerous dance colleges and universities in the UK collaborated to form the National Institute of Dance Medicine and Science. Not only do dancers practice their routines for hours but are regularly tested by sports scientists seeking for ways to enhance their power, stability and fitness. 

Dancers at ballet classes Fredericksburg VA are put through a carefully  structured cardio to test for oxygen efficiency. Similarly, dancers make use of NASA inspired suits for cold therapy to speed up injury recovery instead of an ice bath. 

Ballet Training helped by Science

Health experts along with scientists have teamed up to assist dancers with their fitness training, diet intake and performance. Universities are leveraging research and development to modify and upgrade dancers’ training and choreography.  Through R&D, evidence shows that dancers can greatly benefit from ‘closed eye training’. 

Closed eye training enables dancers and choreographers to perform exceptionally well on dark stages and in theatres. 

Science Reducing Dance Injuries

Introducing science-based evidence to ballet classes Fredericksburg VA has always been a challenge, especially since this is something new. At ballet classes Fredericksburg VA, dancers have to practice their routines for hours. They need to work on their posture, balance, expression and a lot of other aspects to perfect their ballet moves.  

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